This will be the first of the Elohim Quantum Creations live channels with the Elohim. We will focus on the enhancement of, and connection with, the Earth's newly formed quantum field. A new and powerful still-point breathing technique will also be introduced and used in this meditation and in following ones.
1 - The Enhancement of and Connection to the Earths New Quantum Field - Quantum Still Point Breathing Step 1
In this live-stream, we'll be looking a little more deeply at, and continuing, the quantum still-point breath. Also, the Elohim are looking to create an activation and expansion of the sacred heart bridge which will blend into the natural quantum breath they are helping us to develop. This is of massive significance as they have already begun their teachings about the infinity point in the sacred heart and how unimaginably powerful and creative it is. And so this bridge is a step towards gaining conscious access to the sacred heart and infinity point in a powerful but gentle way.
2 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Quantum Breath and the Sacred Heart Bridge
In this Live stream, we're going to look at the sacred heart and how to go within and blend with your true self. It has become very clear that that bridging to, and blending with, the sacred heart and the infinity point within is incredibly important. This live-stream will help you how to do so, so that you can practice this and become more of yourself in the flow that you wish. We will also discuss some of the questions that have come forward and have some time for Q&A afterwards.
3 - Elohim Quantum Creations - The Sacred Heart and Surrendering To/Blending with the True Self
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The KA template is located behind your crown which contains the elements of what you are here to experience, learn and evolve from. Your lessons of being, each of which activates as you are ready to go through them. Due to the progress of humanity and the Earth, the Elohim would like to help people to now be able to release many of the aspects that are no longer needed, as well as to activate downloads for upgrading the KA energetic. This will allow for a new and truly amazing quantum KA transformation. In doing so, you can experience a gradual changing that will no doubt impact the way you feel and experience your life as this has done for me. This is now possible, as so much which was initially seen to be appropriate experience for you, has now been deeply outdated by the massive shifts in energy and timelines. This development, I feel, is to provide a massive leap forward for personal development into quantum living where the KA template energetic is deeply upgraded to a brand new state of the higher self that has not been done before. Step 1 of transforming your reality projection from within you. Humanity has been cycling in loops of repetitive creation (programs that filter and morph your creative energies to cause you to continually manifest the same old same old!). Additionally, and from this, humanity has formed the perspective that reality happens 'to them', and not 'by them'. This leads to a false sense of that which is outside of you has power over you, and this in turn creates a need to navigate this 'being at the mercy of what is outside of you' to simply survive and get along. This activation will begin the breaking down of this self-created dis-empowerment and support your journey of restoration to truly free and new creator-ship. The intent of this is to help you restore yourself to live in the 'knowing' that everything in your reality is 100% created by you, in a deep and pure way. So you can create your living reality to be what you wish it to be (in place of the feeling of stumbling through life bumping from one experience to the next). To become closer to being a heart-centered creator, where the center of your creative energetic creates truly new, pure and clear creations that are of you, and for you. That which reflects the empowered love that you are, and not of, the illusion of being dis-empowered to your outer reality.
4 - Elohim Quantum Creations - New Activation of the Ka Template and Restoring Manifesting Clarity
In this Live stream, we're going to be: Extending and deepening your multi-dimensional bridge. This will be building on the multi-dimensional field overlays that you have, which will deepen your ability to connect with, and be connected with, your higher self and higher dimensional aspects. Part of the intent here is that as you being to integrate these high dimensional field attributes of yourself, and practice this mediation, you will have greater access to downloads of energies and multi-dimensional help in a deeper more perceived way. I can tell you that as I have practice this, my intuition and multi-dimensional perception have really heightened. Step 1 of the activation of your quantum pathways. These are living field pathways which can extend between the very smallest particles within you and allow for your body to begin developing as a vast quantum living organism where energies from your higher self can stream through to each one and every cell, just like a waterfall cascading through a multitude of solid rock features. This is a big step toward the human body jumping up into quantum conscious living. It feels to me that this is a very important part of the human condition activating and meeting the higher aspects of self in a more loving and unified living consciousness. Q&A afterwards
5 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Evolving your Multi-Dimensional Bridge & Activation of your Quantum Pathways
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This session is a pure questions and answers live-stream where you will get the chance to ask them directly the questions you would love to ask.
6 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Q&A with the Elohim and Team
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As part of the Quantum Earth Seed Project and the current, as well as next generation of, QSC devices, the Elohim and Galactic Teams are asking for a special live-stream to facilitate an advanced activation and strengthening of the Earth's newly formed Living Quantum Field. Part of this step will be bringing the field closer and so more accessible to us and the Earth, as living conscious beings. So we ask as many of you as possible to join in live to participate - free as always. In addition to this we will be talking about the QSC's (Quantum Still-point Clarifier's), what they do, and the first part of how to work with them...
7 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Special Earth Living Quantum Field Activation & Part 1 of How to Work with the QSC’s
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In previous activation's, the Elohim and the Galactic Teams had begun the development of the Quantum Pathways, which are like living light fibers that connect between the matter within the body. They are now ready to activate the next step... This activation will expand and deepen the connection but also allow for the development of a more expansive Quantum connectivity between the cells themselves and further, with the subtle expanded field layers of the body. From the intuitive information that has been given so far, this will begin a new way in which cells talk to each other and much more. It will deepen the access of your Higher Self, and multi-dimensional aspects of you, to them. By doing so, this activation will begin the awakening and the development of a more advanced living Divine Consciousness within the holographic make-up of the what we call the body. To further support the deepening of the merging, opening and connection of the human body with/to the Higher Self and so the Source Self.
8 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Step 2 of the Quantum Pathways, to Upgrade the Living Divine Intelligence of your Body
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We are really excited to introduce a new part of the EQC live-streams, a series based on offering a 'Tool Kit' of methods, techniques and ways of solving and moving beyond energy stumbling blocks and patterns that are preventing you from moving forward. One of the deep issues with spiritual and energetic progression is often the lack of tools and awareness on how to really deal with things that 'come up'. We get many question from people on this very theme. And we feel that that the Elohim and Galactic Teams are really excited to help people develop their personal tool kit of understanding, and ways to solve hold ups and blocks in energetic expansion and release. The first part in this series is going to be about re-unifying and healing fragmented aspects of yourself and releasing the repressed emotional build up inside them. This is a powerful and profound way of reunifying parts of you that have seemingly broken off from the whole and can often act in very destructive, self-sabotaging and harmful ways in your consciousness. In this session, you will learn how to connect with them, understand what they are, why they are doing what they are doing, and how to heal and repair them.
9 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Energy Tool Kit Series Part 1 - Releasing Trauma Energetics/Emotions and Reunifying Fragmented Aspects of Yourself
Listen to the meditation only (English - mp3) To download the mp3, right click and select ‘save as’.
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This live-stream will develop the ability to breath through and expand the Quantum Pathways. It will be building upon the activations already done in sessions 2, 5 and 8. Breathing through and expanding the Quantum Pathways is very powerful and creates a deepening of the interconnection between the higher self and body, as well as a deeper awakening of the body divine quantum intelligence. It is my experience, a huge step forward towards full energetic breathing.
10 - Elohim Quantum Creations - Activation of the Quantum Breath Pathways
Listen to the meditation only (English - mp3) To download the mp3, right click and select ‘save as’.
If you cannot view the live-stream above, try our sister channel on BitChute:
In this live-stream, the Elohim and Teams will be guiding you on a journey to upgrade the living energetics of the matter in your body. This is an important step to creating a physicality that even more greatly bridges towards, or makes your body more compatible with, your higher aspects. This will allow a greater exchange of living energies between you and your higher self as well as to deeply move you forward in your journey to greater conscious melding with your higher self.
11 - Activation of a New Template in the Matter Energetics in your Body
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If you cannot view the live-stream above, try our sister channel on BitChute:
Disclaimer: The EQC and ISC live-streams are free guided meditations by Source, the Elohim and Teams, given in the spirit of kindness. We ask you to remember to connect with your higher self to ask if this meditation, and activations from it, are right for you. Please use your own discernment and only take part under your own full self-responsibility, as we cannot accept any responsibility for those taken part live or otherwise in any way. Please remember that we do not and cannot give any medical advice or support and these guided meditations are not in any way to be considered as such.
In live-stream 11 the Elohim and Teams introduced an initial activation and clearance within the fundamental matter of being. After this it became clear to me that they were preparing us for a series of profound and powerful activations in step. This first was necessary for paving the way that will begin this series of activations to bring dormant energy gateways (MEG’s matter energy gateways) into opening and shinning like miniature stars in each atom of the body. This is a massive step forward for us in the ascension process, I feel. A process that needs the body up- level and meet the profound, powerful love state of our higher selves. To do this, the Elohim and Teams have made it clear that the matter aspect of our human suit needs to make this jump for those that feel they are ready. This is building on the work they have already done with us, including the quantum pathways, and in my experience so far of having had the first steps of this activation, my body feels lighter and more alive with divine love intelligence. My cells are open and communicating in ways they didn’t before and my higher self has deeper access to them. This will deepen and grow as the activations unfold.
12 - Step 2 of the Universal Matter Energy Gateways (UMEGs)
Listen to the meditation only (English - mp3) To download the mp3, right click and select ‘save as’.
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The Channellings and mp3 recordings are done in the spirit of kindness and are free of charge. You are free to watch and share these live-stream recordings. However, they are not to be edited or changed in anyway. If you do share these with your friends and family, please let them know where they have come from :). All the channellings, video files and mp3 files are not to be uploaded on to any other patform without direct permisison to do so.
In the previous 2 live-streams, 11 and 12, the Elohim and Teams gave the first two steps for the activation of the Matter Energy Gateways (MEG's). This is certainly an ongoing process, with more to come. The Elohim and Teams recently gave me the next step, which will come in this live-stream. They gave me the feeling that this next step is now possible due to the deep and powerful grounding you have all done with the previous steps :). What They showed me was that prior to incarnating on the Earth, each of us had to be, in a phrase, 'encased in a density field'. This field would allow the stepping down and anchoring of the higher energetics that would otherwise not stay down, but spring back up. In other words, we needed to a field vessel in which to weight us down and bridge us in order to keep us in the Earthly experience. This density field was by design and necessary in its original form. Over millennia of incarnations, this density field has been added to by often deep and dense experiences, which is a huge part of why humanity had gone into greater density. Now it is time for the original density field template and the energies that have been added to it to begin the process of dissolving away, so that a new bridging field design can form. In this new bridging, you will eventually be able to be as a human without the need for a density field, while expanding toward being anchored into a new human experience... :). These steps of the MEG's and the beginning of the removal of the human density field are incredibly exciting and the feedback so far from the first two have been unimaginably awesome. Well done to all of you!
13 - Beginning the Dissolving of the Original Human Density Field
Listen to the meditation only (English - mp3) To download the mp3, right click and select ‘save as’.
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Live-Stream Channel
The live-streams are completely FREE, and are done at the request of the Infinite Source Intelligence and the Teams I work with.  Some of what they will include are:  •	Activations and energetic evolutions with the Infinite Source Inteliigence and the Teams •	Teachings and information they would love to bring through for you and for the Earth •	Enhancements to the quantum field and crystalline grid they created •	Information about the living quantum field and how to work with it from within  •	Still point meditations, activations, expansion and deeper understanding of the still-point •	Working with the Quantum Stillness Clarifiers to enhance your own stillpoint state and that of the Earth •	Q&A with the Infinite Source Intelligence and the Teams (your chance to ask direct questions in the live-stream) •	Much more…  It is clear from the Infinite Source Intelligence and the Teams that your loving active conscious participation in these meditations will provide huge strides forward for yourself, the collective conciousness, the Earth and beyond.    So it is with heart felt joy and love that those who wish to do so, please join the live stream meditations for free, or scroll down to the videos section (each of which will appear after each live-stream is completed).  To subscribe and receive updates on when each live-stream will be happening, you can sign up (right) and also click ‘follow’ our channel and you will be taken to our live-stream rumble channel.  Once done, you will be able to hop on and join in the fun when the live-streams start!    Scroll down to watch the videos in both their original high resolutuion format.
Infinite Source Creations Live-streams for 2024
After a long time of upgrading and development with the Infinity Point Source Love Intelligence, the first of the new live-streams is finally here! This will be the first activation and connection with your Infinity Point and feeling yourself as the Infinite Source Intelligence within. The activations before this, with the Elohim, where certainly laying the very important ground work that would allow for this to happen. My friends, I am so very much looking forward for you to connect with the Infinity Point and make contact with the Infinite Source Intelligence within you. In my deepening relationship with that Infinite Love Intelligence within, so much has changed to a level that I never had before, more than I can say in words. And it is my joy that you too would experience this for yourself! If you drawn to know, we also offer quantum field devices for your environment, food, water and while driving, which you can see at (please feel free to use the discount code EQC to receive 5% off all ISEE-infynergy devices):
14 - Beginning the Opening of Your Infinity Point
Listen to the meditation only (English - mp3) To download the mp3, right click and select ‘save as’.
If you cannot view the live-stream above, try our sister channel on BitChute:
In this live-stream, Source Love Intelligence is going to offer an upgrading and activation of core fields, some of which are there already and some that will be newly created for the first time, with your wish and intention, during the live-stream meditation. These fields will, in a way of speaking, extend from the Infinity Point within you (which was given as a first step activation in the previous live-stream). When I see them they are a beautiful glow emanating from the infinity point that bridges Infinite Source Love Intelligence within your being, matter and consciousness more deeply. The information that has been given to me by the Source Love Intelligence so far, is that these fields will not only prepare you and your bodily intelligence for greater connection within you but also to awaken a deeper knowingness and existence of yourself as a Source Love Energy Being to a higher level that is beyond matter. This feels to me as a deep second step in the Infinity Point Creations activations, for those taking part, and as a seed for humanity, in moving into realizing itself as Source Love Intelligence. If you drawn to know, we also offer quantum field devices for your environment, food, water and while driving, which you can see at (please feel free to use the discount code EQC to receive 5% off all ISEE-infynergy devices):
15 - Preparing the Heart Fields for Deeper Source Intelligence Connection
Listen to the meditation only (English - mp3) To download the mp3, right click and select ‘save as’.
If you cannot view the live-stream above, try our sister channel on BitChute:
Elohim Live-streams for 2023
Infinite Source Creations is operated as part of ISEE Innovations LLC Contact Us Disclaimer: All of the work, information, techniques, ideas, concepts, solutions and products presented here in this entire website, and in all (ISEE Innovations LLC) literature, are expressly the views and perspectives of (ISEE Innovations LLC) only. They are not, and have not been, endorsed, evaluated, recognised or understood by any mainstream academic or medical body or institution and should only ever be taken as the view and philosophy of (ISEE Innovations LLC). None of what is presented here, including the innovations of (ISEE Innovations LLC), are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and an appropriate medical consultant should be used for such. Aspects relating to experiences with them are purely personal testimonials for helpfulness and not intended as a claim of performance verification. All of the (ISEE Innovations LLC) innovations are continually evolving. As such, (ISEE Innovations LLC) may make changes in the design, appearence and function of the systems without any prior notice.