Quantum Earth Seed Project
The Quantum Earth Seed Project (QESP) is a project of the Elohim and the Galactic Team on behalf of mother Earth Gaia.  Together we have created a small compact device, called a Quantum Earth Seed (QES), that can be sent to you for planting in the earth in an area that won’t be disturbed.  These devices are companion devices to the Quantum Still-point Clarifiers (QSC), but you don’t have to have a QSC in order to participate.  But if you choose to become a QSC guardian, it will help accelerate this project.  Ideal areas for the QES devices to be planted are:  •	Forests, where development or disturbance of the land is not possible •	Mountains •	High energy locations   The main intent is for them to be placed in such areas that they will not be disturbed or accidentally dug up.  The QES devices need to be buried approximately 30cm - 60cm (1 - 2 feet) in the ground, or deeper if you are safely able to (but this is not essential).    For now, these are not to be placed in areas within cities, and are not intended to be placed in areas so as to be used to specifically raise the energy of low energetic areas, those phases of the project will come a little later…
Please note, as a potential ESP seeder, that the QES devices are specifically designed and intended for Gaia only (not for personal use) by planting them into the ground :). They will de-activate if: They are opened (that is if the casing is opened in any way) Used energetically in any way other than being planted in the ground Used as a personal device (they have very advanced energetics that are not meant be used by people, simply within the Earth herself)
Each Quantum Earth Seed device is very small, approximately 36mm cubed, and so easily planted.
Quantum Earth Seeds
Become a Seeder for Gaia in the Earth Seed Project
Thank you to the warm hearted people who have donated so far (some have asked not to be mentioned): Julie Armstrong, Australia Jerry Vincent Jem, Canada Gaile, USA Mark and Madeline, USA Aria, USA Steve, UK
Plese note that the price of the QES is a bare minimum price, to help cover costs of materials and to help provide this as a gift to Gaia. However, if you wish to donate for the time and building costs, you can opt to leave a tip when you go to check out :)
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